Saturday, February 6, 2010


Today I just finished a book for my Foundations of Ministry class called Simple Church by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger. The book outlines a plan to make a simple church and outlines a four step process to bring about change. Now don't get excited, I'm not writing a book review. The book explains how we are looking for simplicity in a complex and hectic culture. This got me thinking about why simple things seem to work. Take Google for example. Google search engine has one search bar in the middle of a white page with some cool Google logo above it. That's it. It's simple. It's popular.
This makes me thinks about the simplicity of the gospel. The gospel is so easy to understand that a child can get saved by it. And there are no strings attached. First they must realize that they are sinners. Next they have to admit that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins so that we can have a personal relationship with him. And he loved us so much he was willing to do this. All that we have to do is believe and put our faith in Jesus Christ.
The Bible can be a confusing thing and we might not always understand what it is trying to tell us. But I believe that the gospel is simple and that anyone can understand it and believe in it if they choose to. A question for you and a thought that I often ask myself is, if the gospel is simple why aren't we doing more to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ?

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