Thursday, February 18, 2010

Subliminal Messages

We are bombarded with thousands of advertisements and images everyday. Some of them big and elaborate billboards and some just some simple product placement. But regardless we are seeing advertisements everyday. I never used to think anything of this until I saw a Youtube clip entitled Derren Brown Subliminal Advertising. Derren Brown goes on to show just how susceptible are minds are to subliminal advertising. When I say subliminal advertising I do not mean flashing a picture of a coke in one single movie frame and seeing how many people buy a coke. Derren Brown shows the audience just how much our minds retain just from seeing something over and over again in a really subtle way. Look it up on Youtube if you have a chance it's really interesting. This whole thing just reminded me that as Christians we need to be so careful as to what goes into our heads. Satan likes to use the subtleties sometimes to attack us. We see this a lot in music. A Christian worship song might have good lyrics and a good beat, but the philosophy and doctrine of the lyrics might be just slightly off. But because it's "Christian" and "Worship" we don't see any problem with it. Guard your mind from the subtle attacks that the world throws at you. After sometime you may not even realize that you believe something. Over the next couple days start to challenge what is going in to your brain. You might be surprised at what you discover.

1 comment:

  1. This is very true. I had been noticing this in many so called "Gospel songs". The artists come across godly, yet their message, like you said, is slightly off. We have to pay attention to the Pastors too, I notice when they say to the congragation, "Don't believe me, read it for yourself", people don't actually do it, it is like a reverse message or something. People will just take his word for it anyway because he said those words.
